A former textile mill contracted Campbell Environmental Group to supervise necessary work and prepare a RCRA Closure Report for the closure of its facility in southern Maine. The facility had operated as a textile mill since the 1800's. The scope of work included an inventory of floor drains, aboveground and underground storage tanks, oil containing machinery, waste, and reusable product as well as a complete a Phase II ESA to evaluate current soil and groundwater quality. The Phase II ESA consisted of installing monitoring wells, completing test pits, and analyzing select samples for various parameters. Surface water and passive vapor diffusion samplers were collected from the adjacent river and analyzed for specific parameters.
Contaminants of concern included solvents, metals, petroleum, and polychlorinated biphenyls. The basement was designed as a collection pool for liquid waste and included a network of trenches that discharged to the public sewer. Initial sampling indicated high levels of metals. CEG supervised the removal of sludge and pressure washing within the trenches. Other cleanup action included the removal of petroleum within the boiler house basement combined with asbestos, PCB contaminated debris from old ballasts located in the former wagon shed, elevated metals in the warehouse basement caused by dyes, and toxic levels of lead within the stock dye trench and carbonizer stack. Contaminated sludge and debris was characterized and properly transported and disposed.