Ms. Weymouth has over twenty years of experience working on petroleum and hazardous waste-contaminated sites. Ms. Weymouth is an experienced field geologist and project manager. As a field geologist, Ms. Weymouth has completed numerous Phase I and Phase II Site Assessments, hydrogeologic investigations, aquifer tests, and site remediation projects. Ms. Weymouth's project experience ranges from working on small private sites to Superfund sites. Ms. Weymouth holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Geology from the University of Maine at Orono. As a project manager for CEG, Ms. Weymouth prepares work plans, coordinates and oversees projects to their completion, tracks project budgets, prepares invoices, and communicates directly with clients. Ms. Weymouth is highly involved in the evaluation and interpretation of field data and report preparation. She is also proficient in the use of Auto CAD to create site plans, cross sections, groundwater elevation, and contaminant concentration maps Before joining the project team, Ms. Weymouth worked as a hydrogeologist for Leggrette, Brashears & Graham, Inc. in New Jersey, and was a field assistant for the University of Maine, Department of Geological Sciences, where she worked with fractured bedrock aquifers.