The Site is an estimated 117-acres of a former paper mill that includes a transmission line easement, a 27-acre Central Maine Power (CMP) electrical sub-station, and an additional parcel located on the east side of River Road which is still actively used as a landfill was not evaluated by CEG.
Historical Site uses include Sherman Steel, Blodgett Tannery, Railroad Roundhouse, and as a paper mill from 1930 to 2014 when the mill closed. The first use of the site was identified through an archeological dig that unearthed graves of the Red Paint People that dated to 2,000 to 4,000 years ago. The paper mill was under various owners including Saint Regis, Champion, and Verso. Current operations include the maintenance of the boilers for the electrical substation which operates on an on-demand basis. Approximately 8 acres of the log yard has been leased by Maine Biomass Exports for log storage and debarking. The current owner is supervising the demolition of specific Mill buildings and as a result, large aggregate stockpiles are currently dispersed throughout the mill.
Investigations consisted of screening and collecting samples for laboratory analysis of contaminants of concern by test pitting, soil borings, collection of soil, groundwater, sediment, porewater, soil gas, and building materials. This report summarizes field investigation data from three Site Specific Quality Assurance Project Plans (SSQAPP) produced by CEG, a separate SSQAPP produced by Nobis Engineering, and relevant recent field data completed by CES, Inc. (CES) and S.W. Cole Engineering Inc (S.W. Cole). The CES data was generated to evaluate polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in concrete related to former Site transformers. The S.W. Cole data was generated to evaluate suspected contaminants during a geotechnical investigation for a new building design.